Business organizations have a lot to gain by becoming members or sponsors. In addition to receiving the regular benefits of membership, businesses will be recognized in our newsletters and website. 

Sponsors of Society events will receive complimentary admission tickets to the event sponsored as well as recognition at the event.  


Businesses may also support the Society through the donation of goods and/or professional services.  

Regardless of how you choose to support the Society, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law since the Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

Let the community know that you value and support the history of New Castle. Become a member or sponsor of the New Castle Historical Society today and participate in preserving and promoting the historic City of New Castle.

Businesses may join the Society as either a Patron ($100) or 1651 Benefactor ($250).

Click here or call us at 302-322-2794 to join the Society or for more information about other opportunities to support the preservation of New Castle's history.